The Best Friend of an LGBTQ+ is a BDOJ

        In today’s culture relations, the best friend of an a LGBTQ person is a baptized disciple of Jesus or a BDOJ.  The reason this is true is that both sides do not know or understand the Biblical ground on which they stand.   First, LGBTQ souls are not better or worse than any other soul in the sight almighty God.  All of us have sinned and are in danger of being banned from the presence of God or heaven.  Thus, LGBTQ souls are in the same situation as every other soul since all have sinned and every soul needs a savior, independent of their beliefs, desires, or inclinations.

So why is a Baptized Disciple of Jesus (BDOJ) identified as the best friend of an LGBTQ soul?  Jesus commissioned his disciples to “go and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, ad the Holy Spirit, AND teaching them to obey everything I have commanded.”   Obviously, unbaptized disciples are not obeying everything Jesus commanded his apostles.  Obeying Jesus directions is the baptized disciple of Jesus charge in every situation, including relations with every soul.  What are Jesus’ directions on interacting with another soul?

Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment of the Biblical world and responded: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  Love your neighbor as your self is the Biblical foundation for all cultural relations and it is not well employed because of the diversity of the meaning of the word “Love”.  Biblical neighborly love is not an erotic relationship and it is not brotherly or family or tribal relationship.  The Greek word most (>98%) translated as love in the New Testament is Agape’ which is a relationship that is backed up by the heart, the soul, the mind and the strength of a disciple.  Agape’ love is a decision of the disciple’s will to treat every soul as they themselves want to be treated or the “golden rule”.   Agape Love is “equality love” in that the disciple is to consider the needs of the other soul as his or her own. Agape Love is also the “tough Love” of the parent child relationship in which the parent seeks the best interest of the child.  The parent does not give the child everything the child desires but gives the child what is best and warns the child of things that are detrimental to their long-term health and welfare.  Not informing the child or any soul of the dangers of an acclivity is not love of any kind. 

The BDOJ – LGBTQ relationship is an Agape’ relationship in which disciples of Jesus are not Almighty God’s judge and jury and thus do not convict and condemn.  Baptized disciples of Jesus are only messengers of God’s wrath against all unrighteousness and simultaneously messengers of God’s Agape love.  Every individual soul’s response to the words of Jesus determine their eternal residence.

Almighty God must punish violation of his commands to remain righteous, but Almighty God illustrated Agape Love by considering the souls of his creation and sent Jesus to this earth as a sacrifice for the sins of any soul that seeks to be a disciple.  Any soul that chooses to control his or her natural desires to conform with God’s laws can take advantage of the grace offered to baptized disciples.   Thus, any soul, regardless of sinful tendencies can become a disciple of Jesus by following the example of those recorded in the New Testament.   The essence of being a disciple of Jesus is self-control based on a knowledge of good and evil and God’s will, expressed in the words of Jesus.  A disciple of Jesus is involved in the battle every soul must fight to control the desires of the body with the will, the mind, and the strength of the spirit.  LGBTQ souls can win the battle in the same way everyone else by following the examples of repentance and obedience in the bible.

The New Testament soul saving process requires a soul to recognize God’s definition of sin, to repent of those sins and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins and become a disciple and learning to obey everything Jesus commanded His disciples.  The only way to know everything Jesus commanded his apostles is to follow the example of the First Century church as documented in the New Testament.

The questions is always asked: “Why not just accept the LGBTQ lifestyle and include every belief?”   BDOJs are following the words of Jesus and the Apostles that will be the standard on judgement day.  Sin is the enemy of every soul and the Apostles teaching tells us that supporting and affirming those who choose to violate the words of Jesus is also a sin. A BDOJ is concerned about the souls of neighbors and all of Jesus’ words are the sacred foundation of any Biblical organization.  LGBTQ souls do not have a reason to castigate BDOJs, but they do have a disagreement with Almighty God .

Baptized disciples of Jesus are not perfect, but the blood sacrifice of Jesus continually cleanses our sins as we try to follow Jesus teachings.  There is some belief that baptized disciples express a “better than thou” attitude to all outside the body of Christ due to our charge to make known God’s wrath and His salvation grace in Jesus.  However, baptized disciples of Jesus are well aware of their own sins and worship and thank and praise God and Jesus at every opportunity for the unmerited grace offered by God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus.  Thus, baptized disciples of Jesus are charged to treat everyone respectfully and equally, to warn all souls they encounter of the judgment day wrath of God and to proclaim God’s Agape Love way for forgiveness of sin and a blessed life, just as a best friend would do.